•    Hepburn Action   

    Hepburn engraved in period American Scroll with border work. This was the type of work often found on Hepburn target rifles. This amount of engraving, on a typical single shot action, would run in the $450 – $500 range.

  •    American Scroll Henry Rifle   

    Close-up photo of American Scroll engraving on a Henry rifle. A work in progress shot. This is based on the designs of L. D. Nimchske.

  •    Marlin 45/70   

    This is a closeup of a Grizzly Bear engraved on a 45/70 Marlin. I can engrave virtually any animal you wish on your firearms.

  •    Rossi 92 Winchester Copy   

    Classic early Winchester pattern engraving on a Rossi 92 clone. This style of engraving makes for a very stylish rifle for a very reasonable price.

  •    DZ Arms Hepburn Action   

    50% engraved American Scroll on a classic American single shot rifle.

  •    Floorplate   

    A relatively easy, inexpensive way to dress up your hunting rifle with a custom engraved floorplate and trigger guard!

  •    Henry Rifle   

    Engraved period American Scroll. A very nice .22 copy of a Henry rifle.

  •    Progression: Model 70 Floorplate   

    Engraving progress, from start to finish, on a Model 70 floorplate. Engraved in English Scroll style.

  •    1903 Floor Plate   

    Engraved in the style of the 1930s. Semi-relief oak leaf pattern.

  •    Remington 771 Floorplate   

    Dress up your hunting rifle with an engraved floorplate and trigger guard!

    Starting at $150.00, call me for more details.