•    Finished Chief Special S&W   

    These photos show this Model 36 Smith & Wesson, that was previously posted as a work in progress, as a finished and inked revolver! This is a very early pre-Model 36 and it’s a very first of the J-frame Chief Specials. The gun features absolute full-coverage American Scroll-style engraving with full-coverage domed-punch background.

  •    From Start to Finish – 686 S&W   

    This photo shows the initial large scrollwork and the starting sketches of the smaller, internal scrollwork.

    Major scroll work and the internal scrollwork are cut!

    This picture shows the background being relief-carved, or, cut away, and stippled.

    The finished product! All of the cuts, detail, and shading cuts, with the inked background, are complete.

  •    S&W Model 649   

    This is a stainless steel model of the classic Model 46 Smith & Wesson. This makes for a very practical and classy carry pistol. Being a semi-hammerless, it doesn’t hang up in your pocket. The other nickname for this model is the Humpback. This allows for quite a large area for engraving on such a small J-frame revolver!

  •    Browning Hi-Power   

    This Browning Hi-Power is fully engraved in American Scroll style engraving. These pistols were the very first Wonder-9’s, dating back to 1935. The design is still in production to this day and makes for a very classy everyday-carry gun. This particular gun will eventually get fancy grips and should be quite the barbecue gun. Carrying a fully engraved classic handgun, like this, makes a statement of absolute quality!

  •    WIP S&W M36   

    This is a photo of a very early work in progress model 36 Smith & Wesson that is being fully engraved and rehabilitated. When finished, it will be nickel-plated with inked cuts. Stay tuned for photos of the completed gun!

  •    500 Smith & Wesson   

    This is a huge handgun! It’s capable of taking just about any game on the planet. This particular gun has been engraved in American Scroll with approximately 50% coverage. This makes for a very unique and elegant hunting handgun. This handgun would be the talk of any hunting camp in America.

  •    Ruger Vaquero Bisley   

    This is a 3/4+ American Scroll engraved Bisley revolver. This is very typical of the coverage and style used on revolvers of the American west. This amount of engraving was one of the more popular options for Colt revolvers. This is a way to personalize your pistol and make it a stand-out at matches. With rifles used in the shoots, it makes them stand-out and allows you to easily recognize your rifle in the rack!

  •    Taurus Tracker   

    This American Scroll engraved revolver may be one of the fanciest Taurus Trackers in existence! It features full-coverage scrollwork. This is an absolutely stunning barbecue gun or an everyday carry gun!

  •    Pair of Ruger Revolvers   

    This is a pair of Ruger Revolvers engraved in American Scroll style. The coverage is between 50 – 75%. One is a high polish Vaquero and the other is a brush-finished new model Blackhawk. These two guns are engraved to be close to a matched pair.

  •    Walther TPH   

    This is a relief carved TPH featuring oak leaf and scrollwork in a typical Germanic engraving style. These small Walthers have not been available in several years which is a shame as they’re wonderful carry pistols.